A beautiful song by Angie Rojas from the album, El Poder de la Esperanza. source
Les jeunes adventistes de Principe ont décidé de renoncer à leurs vacances d’été au paradis. Ils ont, en effet, rendu des services à des personnes habitant une région difficile d’accès…
Cheri Peters prayed to be a missionary as she watched a Mission 360º story at her local church. source
A juventude adventista no Principe decidiu pular suas férias de verão no paraíso. Em vez de descansar, eles gastaram seu tempo servindo as pessoas em uma região de difícil acesso…
He was more confused after a Bible study when it finished than at the beginning. source
This Andrews University graduate student has a children-focused ministry combining the theory and the praxis together. source
Los jóvenes adventistas de Príncipe decidieron saltarse sus vacaciones de verano en el paraíso. A cambio, sirvieron a personas de una región de difícil acceso de la isla. source