A Rohingya refugee family seeks a way home, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency distributes food in Bangladesh, and mission work in southern Asia. source
Algo extraño le sucedió al ganado de Abraham después de devolverle a Dios un diezmo de 100 vacas. ¡Sus vecinos estaban muy confundidos! source
Durante dos años Angela tuvo un tumor creciendo en su estómago, que le causaba dolor. No sabía adónde acudir para obtener ayuda, hasta que alguien le contó sobre el hospital…
El hermoso y vasto territorio, conocido como el Pacífico Sur, comprende una variedad de grupos de personas y territorios que hacen que el trabajo misionero sea un desafío y una…
In this Congolese church, children are called lambs and have their own “lamb shelter” where they can worship together on Sabbath, thanks to your contribution to the 13th Sabbath Offering….
In Sri Lanka, most young adults in their 20s continue pursuing professional careers, but Rupan has taken a different journey. He became a Global Mission pioneer! source
When God called Brian and Jessica to Bangkok, their first thought was, That’s not really a mission field, that’s a city. They soon found out about the big plans He…
Pastor Contero dreamed to reach the secular and postmodern people of Madrid. God answered his prayer to church plant among people who are not interested in God. source