A South American man moved overseas with his family to accomplish a special purpose in an unnamed region. source
http://www.AdventistMission.org Adventist Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church SDA source
The 13th Sabbath Offering has a long and rich history in the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Visit where the offering has gone in the past and…
¡Hoy asistiremos a la clase de artesanía en cuero de Fortunato! Pero en esta clase, aprenderemos más que solo a hacer un cinturón o un bolso. Él nos enseñará una…
We’ll follow a Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh to see how she escaped a difficult situation. Her new home poses new challenges, but ADRA is there to help. source
Cooking with Nancy and Kayla in Mission 360º kitchen! source
ADRA’s Keep Girls Safe initiative has been a refuge for many young girls in Thailand. Let’s visit them to hear how one girl’s life was transformed! source
Strap on your helmet and let’s go for a ride! Adventists in Puerto Rico are cycling with a purpose. They have found community in Jesus through bikes. source
Today we’ll join Fortunato’s leather making class! But at this class, we’ll learn more than just how to make a belt or a bag. He’ll teach us a lesson from…