A South American man moved overseas with his family to accomplish a special purpose in an unnamed region. source

http://www.AdventistMission.org Adventist Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church SDA source

Algo salió terriblemente mal cuando Vitalina se preparaba para dar a luz a su segundo hijo. Comenzó a sangrar mucho y los médicos le pusieron un tipo de sangre equivocado…

The 13th Sabbath Offering has a long and rich history in the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Visit where the offering has gone in the past and…

¡Hoy asistiremos a la clase de artesanía en cuero de Fortunato! Pero en esta clase, aprenderemos más que solo a hacer un cinturón o un bolso. Él nos enseñará una…

We’ll follow a Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh to see how she escaped a difficult situation. Her new home poses new challenges, but ADRA is there to help. source

ADRA’s Keep Girls Safe initiative has been a refuge for many young girls in Thailand. Let’s visit them to hear how one girl’s life was transformed! source

Strap on your helmet and let’s go for a ride! Adventists in Puerto Rico are cycling with a purpose. They have found community in Jesus through bikes. source

Today we’ll join Fortunato’s leather making class! But at this class, we’ll learn more than just how to make a belt or a bag. He’ll teach us a lesson from…

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