A song by Kayla Careese. source
A German missionary and pioneer in Brazil. John Lipke was baptized when he was 19 years old and in 1898 went to South America for mission service. source
Hasta hace poco, había unas pocas congregaciones Adventistas en Montevideo, Uruguay. Ciertas partes de la ciudad estaban completamente fuera del alcance del mensaje Adventista. Pero allí se estableció la Iglesia…
Até recentemente, havia poucas congregações adventistas em Montevidéu. Certas partes da cidade nunca ouviram a mensagem adventista. Mas foi exatamente aqui que a Igreja Adventista de Goes começou. source
Putting kids first in the country of Andorra, expanding a missionary school in Romania, and a delicious recipe from the Mission 360° Kitchen. source
He used to see fighter planes during the war. Then, he wanted to see the Adventist church in the South Pacific, use planes for missionary work. source