Illnesses are attacking this community so Adventists help them in a variety of ways through a multi-faceted center of influence. source

Mercy moved thousands of miles away from home to go to school. She missed her friends and family. When she ran into trouble at school, she found help in her…

Mercy mudou-se milhares de quilômetros de sua casa para poder ir à escola. Mas ela sentia saudade dos amigos e da família. E quando teve problemas na escola, encontrou ajuda…

Mercy a fréquenté une école à des milliers de kilomètres de chez elle. Ses amis et sa famille lui manquaient. Quand elle a eu des problèmes à l’école, elle a…

A missionary couple endures a turbulent time in Cambodia, an engineer helps build churches in Peru, and the sights and sounds of Panama. source

Panama is a country of more than four million people. It’s also a cosmopolitan country with nearly 70% of the people living in cities. How can Seventh-day Adventists reach them?…

Pastor Andres Flores shows The Art Space, an Urban Center of Influence reaching children inside one of the busiest malls. source

Ruben donates his time and skills to help build Adventist church buildings. He is now planting a new church in his house. source

Turning potatoes into porcupines facilitates mission in Georgia, a man tithes 100 cows in Tanzania, and the sights and sounds of Chicago, Illinois. source

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