The Veg Hub is at the center of a plant-based lifestyle with our bistro and upcoming cooking classes. source

Pray for one city each day–check them off as you go, and pray your way around the world with this map that looks like a subway map. source

Mission in the South Pacific, building friends with our Buddhist neighbors, and the sights and sounds of Ghana, Africa. source

Vladimir is fearless! His job as a Global Mission pioneer requires him to be bold and share a special message in Moldova. source

Mind, body and spirit outreach is happening in Vancouver, Canada. This is one of the healthiest cities in North America and one of the most secular. source

Most people would turn around if they saw a sign that read, “Beware! Bad dog. Do not enter.” But Rudolph and Annette were not afraid of this sign. source

Sunil estava trabalhando no escritório quando começou a sentir-se tonto. Ele foi levado às pressas para o hospital e descobriu que sua vida nunca mais seria a mesma. source

Sunil estaba trabajando en la oficina cuando comenzó a sentirse mareado. Rápidamente fue llevado al hospital y se enteró de que su vida nunca sería la misma. source

Your contribution to the 13th Sabbath Offering makes a difference in people’s lives. Let’s visit a completed project in New Zealand and an upcoming project throughout the South Pacific. source

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