Você sabia que a Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia tem um plano estratégico para os próximos cinco anos? O plano se chama I Will Go (Eu Irei) e continua a…

Karen shares the miraculous story of a healed leaper. source

Après Reach the World [Atteindre le monde], l’Église a évalué l’efficacité de ses différentes initiatives dans le monde entier afin de recueillir de précieuses données pour l’avenir. Après des années…

We can’t imagine life without water, but millions of people around the world lack access to this basic necessity. You can help us provide better health and so much more…

Following Reach the World, the Church evaluated the effectiveness of our different initiatives worldwide to gain valuable insights for the future. After years of work and research, we developed that…

This week, learn about medical work done in Myanmar and a baptism in China, all from this week in Adventist history. source

Después de Alcanzar al Mundo, la iglesia evaluó la eficacia de nuestras diferentes iniciativas mundiales en busca de valiosos puntos de vista para el futuro. Luego de años de trabajo…

Depois de Reach the World, a Igreja avaliou a eficácia de nossas diferentes iniciativas em todo o mundo para obter percepções valiosas para o futuro. Depois de anos de trabalho…

Grâce à la généreuse offrande du 13ème sabbat, les enfants du Kirghizistan ont maintenant un lieu où jouer et apprendre toute lu2019année. Rendons-leur visite pour voir comment leur vie a…

Thanks to the generous giving to the 13th Sabbath Offering, kids in Kyrgyzstan now have a place to play and learn year round. Let’s visit them to see how their…

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