The Veg Hub is at the center of a plant-based lifestyle with our bistro and upcoming cooking classes. source
An interview with Global Mission Director for the Northern Ghana Union. source
Broadcasting 24/7–for 7 years now, Stimme der Hoffnung aims to reach a non-Christian audience. source
Pray for one city each day–check them off as you go, and pray your way around the world with this map that looks like a subway map. source
The churches in Japan are struggling. To solve this problem church leaders decided to send Korean pastors to help the Japanese churches. Pastor Suzuki is a Japanese WWII veteran. His…
Mission in the South Pacific, building friends with our Buddhist neighbors, and the sights and sounds of Ghana, Africa. source
Vladimir is fearless! His job as a Global Mission pioneer requires him to be bold and share a special message in Moldova. source
This song stopped a baby crying. source