The Veg Hub is at the center of a plant-based lifestyle with our bistro and upcoming cooking classes. source

Find out how 10-year-old Joe went from playing video games all day to planting a church in the Solomon Islands! source

An interview with Global Mission Director for the Northern Ghana Union. source

Broadcasting 24/7–for 7 years now, Stimme der Hoffnung aims to reach a non-Christian audience. source

Pray for one city each day–check them off as you go, and pray your way around the world with this map that looks like a subway map. source

The churches in Japan are struggling. To solve this problem church leaders decided to send Korean pastors to help the Japanese churches. Pastor Suzuki is a Japanese WWII veteran. His…

Mission in the South Pacific, building friends with our Buddhist neighbors, and the sights and sounds of Ghana, Africa. source

Adelaide found that questions she had in her mind were being answered on TV. Her journey to Jesus came at a critical time. source

Vladimir is fearless! His job as a Global Mission pioneer requires him to be bold and share a special message in Moldova. source

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