Grâce à vos contributions à l’offrande du 13ème sabbat, l’église flottante a été construite pour servir l’Amazonie ! Des communautés entières n’ont aucune connaissance de la Bible ou n’ont pas…

Thanks to your past contributions to the 13th Sabbath Offering, the Floating Church was built to serve the Amazon! There are entire communities with either no knowledge of the Bible…

Around the world, ADRA’s many education projects are giving children and adults the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty and achieve their dreams. Education launches people into…

Gracias a sus anteriores ofrendas del décimotercer Sábado, ¡se construyó la Iglesia Flotante que recorre el Amazonas! Hay comunidades enteras que no conocen la Biblia o no tienen iglesias. source

Graças às suas contribuições anteriores à 13ª Oferta do Sábado, a Igreja Flutuante foi construída para servir a Amazônia! São comunidades ribeirinhas inteiras sem conhecimento da Bíblia ou sem igrejas…

Around the world, ADRA programs are saving lives and giving families access to reliable sources of nutritious food. Whether it’s through emergency feeding or teaching farmers techniques to improve crop…

Children crowded around as Emmanuel and Aggee fought! Aggee had a lot of anger in his heart until he met Jesus. source

¡Los chicos rodearon a Emanuel y Aggee mientras peleaban! Aggee sentía mucha ira en su corazón, hasta que conoció a Jesús. source

Crianças se aglomeravam enquanto Emmanuel e Aggee brigavam! Aggee tinha muita raiva em seu coração até encontrar Jesus. source

ADRA is fighting for the basic rights of at-risk individuals around the world. Girls and women are at risk of trafficking and abuse, the civil rights of minorities are ignored,…

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