When Juliana’s birthday came around, she didn’t want a birthday cake, she wanted to feed the homeless. When her mother resisted, Juliana found a way to overcome all obstacles and…

El mejor perro de caza de la aldea, Dolby, se negaba a trabajar el Sábado o ya no comía jabalí. Descubra cómo Dios lo usó como un ejemplo para el…

Le meilleur chien de chasse du village, Dolby, a refusé de travailler le samedi ou de manger du cochon sauvage. Découvrez comment Dieu l’a utilisé comme exemple pour le reste…

O melhor cão de caça da aldeia, Dolby, recusou-se a trabalhar no Sábado, ele nem mais comia porco selvagem. Deus o usou como um exemplo para o resto das pessoas…

The village’s best hunting dog, Dolby, refused to work on Saturday or eat wild pig anymore. Find out how God used him as an example to the rest of the…

Cartoon animated mission stories, the large city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and an inspiring story from Uncle Homer. source

A young boy faces danger as his parents try to reach out to the local Native American community that they live in. source

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