Meeting needs in a refugee community, the story of a grandfather killed by Joseph Stalin, and your 13th Sabbath Offerings making a difference at an Adventist university in Madagascar. source

The Butterfly Church in Taiwan, a mobile clinic in Mexico, and the answer to the question: What is a missionary? source

Yoriko participates in the Youth Rush program to knock on doors, sell books and give Bible studies. source

Lorsque le mari de Sarah l’a quittée il y a quatre ans, Sarah savait qu’elle devait trouver un moyen de subvenir à ses besoins. Mais elle ne savait pas où…

When Sarah’s husband left her four years ago, she knew she had to find a way to support herself. But she didn’t know where to look for a job. She…

Cuando el esposo de Sara la abandonó, hace cuatro años, ella sabía que debía encontrar la forma de mantenerse a sí misma. Pero no sabía dónde buscar un empleo. Oró…

Quando o marido de Sarah a deixou, há quatro anos, ela sabia que precisava encontrar uma maneira de se sustentar. Mas ela não sabia onde procurar emprego. Ela orou pedindo…

Gabriel avait pris une année de congé scolaire en raison de problèmes de santé. Un ami lui a parlé d’un village de montagne où les gens n’avaient jamais entendu parler…

Gabriel had taken a year off school because of health issues. But a friend told him about a mountain village where people had never heard of Jesus. Even though his…

Gabriel dejó la escuela por un año debido a problemas de salud. Pero un amigo le contó de un lugar en las montañas donde la gente nunca había oído hablar…

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