Gabriel ficou um ano fora da escola por causa de problemas de saúde. Mas um amigo contou-lhe sobre uma aldeia nas montanhas onde as pessoas nunca tinham ouvido falar de…

Les chiens et leurs propriétaires à Quito, en Équateur, sont ravis que les bénévoles du programme Une année en mission fassent désormais partie de leur communauté. Les jeunes bénévoles sont…

Dogs and their owners in Quito, Ecuador are thrilled that One Year in Mission volunteers have become part of their community. The young volunteers came to share the love of…

Los perros y sus dueños en Quito, Ecuador, están contentos de que los voluntarios de Un Año en Misión se hayan convertido en parte de su comunidad. Los jóvenes voluntarios…

Os cães e seus donos em Quito, Equador, estão entusiasmados porque os voluntários da One Year in Mission (Um Ano em Missão) se tornaram parte de sua comunidade. Os jovens…

One day a strange tourist came to his hotel. The two men gradually became friends. Until one day, the hotel worker learned God does not require us to balance the…

Buildings are irrelevant when it comes to discipling. This activity can happen in a cafe, a home, or in a warehouse–in the apostle Paul’s time it was by the river….

How could a loving God allow suffering? God in Pain is an art exhibition to inspire discussions through photos and paintings. source

A boy who fell in the fire pit was saved by a man who nobody saw. source

This center of influence in Vienna, Austria takes care of the homeless. They care for their physical needs by providing foods and clothing but their ministry does not stop here….

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