Jared pensait que ce serait amusant de surprendre les gens avec des présents. Il a enveloppé des cadeaux, les a jetés par-dessus leurs clôtures puis courait se cacher. source

Jared thought it would be fun to surprise people with gifts. He wrapped up gifts, threw them over people’s fences, then ran and hid. source

Jared pensó que sería divertido sorprender a las personas con regalos. Envolvía regalos, los lanzaba por encima de los cercos de las personas y corría a esconderse. source

Jared achou que seria divertido surpreender as pessoas com presentes. Ele embrulhou os presentes, os jogou por cima das cercas das pessoas, então correu e se escondeu. source

A group of young people take the plunge into church planting. They did not know anyone who had done this before but through friendship they were able to start a…

An interview with the Global Mission coordinator for the Southern Ghana Union Conference. He brings a mission report from the region. source

One day a strange tourist came to his hotel. The two men gradually became friends. Until one day, the hotel worker learned God does not require us to balance the…

The church pastor of another denomination finds a Voice of Prophecy bible study. He eagerly studies it and decides to share a new-found truth with his church. The result? Many…

A science major allows God to use him in a restricted country. As a Christian, he may not have been allowed to work there otherwise. source

A Pastor moves his family to a restricted country. He lives there incarnationally, serving cross-culturally to show the love of Jesus. source

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